Home made paneer

Full fat milk 4 cups (1 litre)
lemon juice or vinegar 2-3 tsp

Method :

  1. In a thick bottomed pan put milk and bring it to boil.
  2. Now add vinegar 1 sp at a time and stir. 
  3. When the milk starts to curdle stir once and take it off the stove.
  4. Drain it in a colander or sieve lined with muslin cloth.
  5. Strain off the excess water (whey).
  6. Tie a knot or secure with rubberband 
  7. Place it on a flat surface and put some heavy weight on top of cheesecloth and leave for 35-40 mins
  8. Remove weight and cut cubes.
  9. If using for bhurji skip the weight as you will need crumbled paneer

*If using lemon juice, rinse paneer with fresh water.
*Once milk starts curdling i.e. when the greenish water separates, remove from heat.
*Do not over heat
*Wait for the milk to boil before adding the lemon or vinegar
*Use full fat milk, do not use toned or skimmed milk
*To store paneer (homemade or store bought) immerse cubes/block in water in an air tight container and refrigerate.


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